SVG Contents
  • color
    The following is the list of recognized color keywords that can be used as a keyword value for data type color.
  • <circle>
    The <circle> element defines a circle based on a center point and a radius. <br/> Fill attributes will describe the interior of the circle, whereas, stroke attributes will describe the border of the circle.
  • <ellipse>
    The <ellipse> element defines a ellipse based on a center point, an x axis radius and an y axis radius. <br/> Fill attributes will describe the interior of the ellipse, whereas, stroke attributes will describe the border of the ellipse.
  • <feGaussianBlur>
    The <feGaussianBlur> element defines a feGaussianBlur based on a center point and a radius. <br/> Fill attributes will describe the interior of the fePointLight, whereas, stroke attributes will describe the border of the fePointLight.
  • <fePointLight>
    The <fePointLight> element defines a fePointLight based on a center point and a radius. <br/> Fill attributes will describe the interior of the fePointLight, whereas, stroke attributes will describe the border of the fePointLight.
  • <line>
    The <line> element defines a line based on a a two locations (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
  • <linearGradient>
    The <linearGradient> element defines a filling gradient based color gradients stretching across two points.
  • <polygon>
    The <polygon> element defines a shape based on a series of points. In the following examples of a star and hexagon the points are defined as absolute coordinates.
  • <radialGradient>
    The <radialGradient> element defines a filling gradient based color gradients radiating from a central point.
  • <rect>
    The <rect> element defines a rectangle based on a a top left location and the width and height of the rectangle. In addition, radii for rounding the corners of the rectangle may be specified.