Installion Tool
The installation tool will allow you to install your custom application on any java-enabled machine.
  1. The installation tool will run with a UI or manually by shell commands.
  2. One can feed the installation a script, so that programs maybe installed automatically, without user interaction.
  3. The customization of the installation is specified thru an XML file.
  4. All of your application files and directories will be wrapped with the installer into one single jar file, in mant ways similiar to self extracting script files (but a jar file)
Custom XML file definition
The installation process is defined in a custom xml file. The following specifies the elements and attributes of the installation xml file.

Param element

The param elememnt defines a key value pair which can be refered to in the XML installation file. The key value pair can also be used in your custom Java installation classes. There are no pre-defined parameter pairs.
For portability, param key names can be prepended with the Windows, Unix, and Mac suffixes. In the following example, the InstallHome is a parameter name for the location of the installation. The InstallHome.Windows is the default value for windows installation. The installer will decide which system the software is being installed and choose the appropriate suffix. The system suffix is NOT required as in defined in the following example.
Custom XML file example
Example installation
Ant/Maven example
Adding Custom scripts

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Version 1.0
Release 02/05/2019