This is an example of text field filtering and interactive feedback.
Personal Information Last Name:  
First Name:  
        <form action="validation.html" method="post">
                <legend align="top">Personal Information</legend>
                Last Name:
                <input id="last-name" tabindex="1" type="text"/>
                <font color="red" face="arial, helvetica" id="status-last-name" size="-2">
                First Name:
                <input id="first-name" tabindex="2" type="text"/>
                <font color="red" face="arial, helvetica" id="status-first-name" size="-2">
                <input id="email" tabindex="3" type="text"/>
                <font color="red" face="arial, helvetica" id="status-email" size="-2">
                <center><input onclick="return validateForm();" type="button" value="Submit"/>