The FORM element acts as a container for controls.

Personal Information Last Name: First Name: Address:
...more personal information...
Medical History Smallpox Mumps Dizziness Sneezing ...more medical history...
Current Medication Are you currently taking any medication? Yes No
If you are currently taking medication, please indicate it in the space below:
        <form action="..." method="post">
            <fieldset><legend>Personal Information</legend>
                Last Name:
                <input name="personal_lastname" tabindex="1" type="text"/>
                First Name:
                <input name="personal_firstname" tabindex="2" type="text"/>
                <input name="personal_address" tabindex="3" type="text"/><br/>
                ...more personal information...
            <fieldset><legend>Medical History</legend><input name="history_illness" tabindex="20" type="checkbox" value="Smallpox"/>
                <input name="history_illness" tabindex="21" type="checkbox" value="Mumps"/>
                <input name="history_illness" tabindex="22" type="checkbox" value="Dizziness"/>
                <input name="history_illness" tabindex="23" type="checkbox" value="Sneezing"/>
                Sneezing ...more medical history...
            <fieldset><legend>Current Medication</legend>
                Are you currently taking any medication?
                <input name="medication_now" tabindex="35" type="radio" value="Yes"/>
                <input name="medication_now" tabindex="35" type="radio" value="No"/>
                If you are currently taking medication, please indicate
                it in the space below:
                <br/><textarea cols="50" name="current_medication" rows="20" tabindex="40">