HTML Contents
  • <a>
    The &lt;a&gt; tag allows the user to specify an anchor location within a document. Or more importantly, a reference to another document or location within the current document.
  • <applet>
  • <area>
    The following is an example of client-side mapping of input coordinates.
  • <base>
    element can be useful for for transmitted documents, such as emailed douments, which contain relative references.
  • <basefont>
    is not used, the default base font size is 3.
  • <bdo>
    right to left.
  • <blockquote>
    The &lt;blockquote&gt; element is for long quotations (block-level content).
  • <body>
  • <br>
    The &lt;br&gt; element forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text.
  • <caption>
    The caption element is used in the construction of a table. When present, the CAPTION element's text should describe the nature of the table.
  • <center>
    The &lt;center&gt; element is exactly equivalent to specifying the &lt;div&gt; element with the align attribute set to &quot;center&quot;.
  • <code>
    The &lt;code&gt; element is one of the phrase elements for adding structural information to text fragments. In the case of code, it designates a fragment of computer code.
  • <col>
    The &lt;col&gt; element must be a nested element within the &lt;colgroup&gt; element. When it is necessary to single out a column (e.g., for style information, to specify width information, etc.) within a group, authors must identify that column with a &lt;col&gt; element.
  • <colgroup>
  • <dd>
    The &lt;dd&gt; element provides a description for a term within a definition list. The dd element is most commonly used with the dt and dl tags, where the dd and dt tags occur in pairs.
  • <del>
    The &lt;del&gt; element are used to markup sections of the document that have been deleted within a document.
  • <dfn>
    The &lt;dfn&gt; element is one of the phrase elements for adding structural information to text fragments. In the case of dfn, it indicates this is the defining instance of the enclosed term.
  • <dir>
    The &lt;dir&gt; element was designed to be used for creating multicolumn directory lists.
  • <div>
    The &lt;div&gt; and &lt;span&gt; elements, in conjunction with the id and class attributes, offer a generic mechanism for adding structure to documents. These elements define content to be inline ( &lt;span&gt; ) or block-level ( &lt;div&gt; ) but impose no other presentational idioms on the content. Thus, authors may use these elements in conjunction with style sheets, the lang attribute, etc., to tailor html to their own needs and tastes.
  • <dl>
    The &lt;dl&gt; element provides the outline for a definition list. The dl element is most commonly used with the dt and dd tags.
  • <dt>
    The &lt;dt&gt; element provides the name of the definition term. The dd element is most commonly used with the dd and dl tags, where the dd and dt tags occur in pairs.
  • <embed>
    tag, using a media player.
  • <fieldset>
    The &lt;fieldset&gt; element allows for the grouping of related elements.
  • <font>
    The FONT element changes the font name, font size and color for text in its contents.
  • <form>
    The FORM element acts as a container for controls.
  • <frame>
  • <frameset>
    The FRAMESET element specifies the layout of the main user window in terms of rectangular subspaces.
  • <h1>
    The heading element describes the section and provides appropriate spacing.
  • <head>
  • <hr>
    The &lt;hr&gt; element causes a horizontal rule to be rendered.
  • <html>
  • <iframe>
  • <img>
    The &lt;img&gt; element embeds an image in the current document at the location of the element's definition.
  • <input>
    attributes to define parameters which can be passed back to the web server.
  • <isindex>
  • <kbd>
    The &lt;kbd&gt; element is one of the phrase elements for adding structural information to text fragments. In the case of kbd element, it text to be entered by the user.
  • <label>
  • <legend>
    element allows for the labeling of fieldsets.
  • <li>
    The &lt;li&gt; element defines a list item within a list. The li element is used with the ol or ul list tags.
  • <link>
  • <map>
    element may be used without an associated image for general navigation mechanisms.
  • markup
    The &lt;var&gt; element designates the enclosed text are instances of a variable or program argument.
  • <menu>
  • <meta>
    Users can use meta element information for there own purposes, and/or use more common meta elements used by the browsers and search engines.
  • <noframes>
    Alternate content container for non frame-based rendering
  • <noscript>
    Alternate content container for non script-based rendering
  • <object>
  • <ol>
  • <optgroup>
  • <option>
  • <p>
    The &lt;p&gt; element designates a paragraph of text.
  • <param>
  • <phrase>
    The &lt;ins&gt; element are used to markup sections of the document that have been inserted within a document.
  • <pre>
    The &lt;pre&gt; element designates the enclosing text is already formatted. Line breaks and spaces should not be added.
  • <samp>
    The &lt;samp&gt; element renders sample program output, scripts, etc.
  • <script>
  • <select>
  • <span>
    The &lt;div&gt; and &lt;span&gt; elements, in conjunction with the id and class attributes, offer a generic mechanism for adding structure to documents. These elements define content to be inline ( &lt;span&gt; ) or block-level ( &lt;div&gt; ) but impose no other presentational idioms on the content. Thus, authors may use these elements in conjunction with style sheets, the lang attribute, etc., to tailor html to their own needs and tastes.
  • <style>
  • <sub>
    The &lt;sub&gt; element designates that the enclosed text should be vertically aligned lower then the rest of the text.
  • <sup>
    The &lt;sup&gt; element designates that the enclosed text should be vertically aligned higher then the rest of the text.
  • <table>
  • <tbody>
  • <td>
  • <textarea>
    The following is an example of the text area tag, which allows for the user input of multiple rows of text data.
  • <tfoot>
  • <th>
  • <thead>
  • <title>
    The &lt;title&gt; element is not considered part of the flow of text. The title is located in the head section of a document.
  • <tr>
  • <ul>
    The &lt;ul&gt; element, combined with the li element, allows for the definition of a list.